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IVP Wins AGCO Quality Award

IVP Wins AGCO Quality Award

On June 13th and 14th Daryl Lindemann, Matt Lang and I were invited to attend AGCO's Global Supplier Conference, in Duluth, GA. This is the second year we attended. Along with spending time with many of the people we work with at AGCO every day, we were informed of market trends in agriculture, AGCO's APEX Supplier Collaboration website enhancements, AGCO's outlook for 2019 and many other interesting presentations. This is the second year all three of us have attended. Last year we were pleasantly surprised to be nominated, along with two other companies, for AGCO's global Supplier Collaboration award. Teams from both locations have submitted metal to plastic conversion ideas to AGCO, as well as starting up some very difficult projects, such as the tine project, GSI's part number and color complexity and the ST4 cab project startup. We didn't win last year, but this year we were pleasantly surprised AGAIN, to be nominated for the Global Supplier Quality Award. As you can see from the picture, we won! GSI nominated IVP primarily on the basis of IVP South's impressive 9PPM quality score. This means that GSI found the equivalent of only 9 pieces bad out of a million! It's great to know that with hard work, this level of quality is not only possible, but needs to become our new standard of performance. Adam Craig, the Commodity Manager of non-metallic materials for Global Purchasing at AGCO, said their Hesston, KS and Jackson, MN facilities also had to approve the Quality Award being presented to IVP Plastics, which they quickly did.

IVP Achieves IATF Certification
IVP Recovery Efforts *Updated July 5, 2018*

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