IVP Recovery Efforts *Updated July 5, 2018*

You may have heard that IVP had a partial roof collapse earlier this year after one of the heaviest snows in recent memory. Thankfully, no one was hurt. The recovery effort is well underway at IVP Plastics in Washington! We have moved some production to our 20,000 sq. ft building across the street we had purchased several months prior to the incident. Currently, 16 out of 19 machines are up and running with the remaining three scheduled to be fully functioning by the end of July. We are working Saturdays and Sundays to keep up with demand. Building one has been torn down, while buildings two and three are intact.

Our new building has been designed and ordered. The biggest change is the height, increasing the ceiling height from 15' to 28', allowing the potential for larger equipment than we can presently accommodate. The higher ceiling height also allows for two story office/conference/storage areas at the east end adjacent to the current office areas. The overall footprint is the same as previous at 120' X 195'. The new restroom will also serve as a storm shelter, so we will have two shelter locations available, instead of one. The employee entrance will be moved to the west end of the new building (next to the silos) with entry to a locker room area and to a new, larger lunch room. The new building will be more energy efficient and have better insulation. Below you can see the new design rendering from our architect.

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